To start a new chat, click on the New Chat button, it will open the New Chat / Create Chat screen where you can select one or more users to add to the chat. Additionally, you can start a chat with a single user from the active contacts screen.
If more than one user is selected, it will create a chat room directly where you have to set a name for that room.
The user in charge of creating a group chat can edit the name of the chat, its image, add new members and set the expiration time of the chat. In the case of the chat image, it can only be viewed by the participants in the chat and is stored on the server without its content being encrypted. If an expiration time is set, all chat messages will be cleared after that time passes. In order to delete new messages after that first expiration time passes, owner or the room must set a new expiration time.
If the owner of the owner of a room leaves it, room will be erased for all participants.